Ashley, Employee

“Please stop ruining our city for financial gain. Our football stadium is now a corporate shrill of itself. Pond Lockey has a ridiculously awful billboard over the city. Just stop.”

Amber, Visitor

“I was born in Pittsburgh. Spent my youth on that strip, cutting it down into a one lane would be horrible for the strip and the businesses on the trip will most likely close. We cannot do this.”

Erich, Visitor

“We go to the Strip for shopping and fun at least once a month. Penn Av is its main artery. Keep it as it is!”

Melissa, Visitor

“It works fine as it is. Leave it alone please. People can walk–we're not a huge metropolis.”

Brianna, Resident & Visitor

“I love visiting the strip district during the winter and summer time. It’s amazing place to get amazing food and sports clothes.

This place made me fall in love with the city.”

Shelby, Visitor

“I'm a medically complex patient with chronic pain who relies on Hieber's for medication. Being able to drive and limiting how much I walk is necessary for me to have access to a brick-and-mortar pharmacy. Please don't interfere with the accessibility of the Strip District for people like me, for whom walking the distances necessary for pedestrianized zones is painful on a good day and impossible on a bad day.”

Janet, Visitor

“This street is already too congested with 2 lanes for cars. You’ll be driving customers away from the businesses that are already struggling. Bike riders need to be held to the same road laws as car drivers!”

Braydon, Employee & Visitor

“Doesn't make any sense. It would cause an unbelievable amount of traffic. Everyone would have to stop and wait for people parallel parking. I don't even know how delivery trucks would be able to stop and deliver their packages. It's illogical.”

Mike, Visitor

“I love this place. So many memories. Don't let these clowns destroy communities”

Jed, Resident

“I live on the corner of Penn Avenue and 32nd street. I can’t imagine the backup if this plan went through. As is, the road is already “bike friendly” and these people usually make a point of not letting cars pass. This is a horrible idea to appease a loud and vocal minority. Many of whom likely don’t even pay taxes!”

Mary, Visitor

“I have nothing against progress, however the strip district and the businesses in it are an integral part of our city and culture. if you push these businesses, that have become part of our Pittsburgh community, out, you will only succeed in destroying what is one of the best parts of our city. I’m begging you to listen to these businesses and work with them to keep our beloved Strip District in the manner which has become a major destination for all who live and visit our city.”

Jaqueya, Employee

“This road was not designed for bikes and will cause a lot of traffic backup.”

William, Visitor

“We have entirely too many bike lanes in the city. If I saw people using these, I could understand the enthusiasm for them. However, I rarely every see these being used. Limiting traffic in one of our cities biggest tourist areas would be ridiculous. Stop the madness!”

Jonathan, Visitor

“The traffic already backs up meaningfully with two lanes and the restricted access just one block over on Smallman.

Please leave Penn Ave alone and keep some semblance of continuity of use and history.”

John, Visitor

“Making Penn Ave a single lane will keep people from wanting to visit. If the plan is to put in a single lane with a bike lane, there is a dedicated bike lane one street over”

Angela, Business Owner

“There are no shortages of places for people to safely bike and walk around the strip with the current layout. Bike lanes are clearly marked that allow bikes and vehicles to comfortably share the road and sidewalks are plentiful for pedestrians . Additionally, there are many side streets, where traffic is extremely light, that anyone who takes the time to learn the city, can easily navigate on their bicycles. The small businesses, which have been the heart and soul of the strip, would drastically suffer. Parking is already at a minimum and receiving truck loads is extremely challenging as it is.”

Richard, Visitor

“Added congestion will choke businesses that have been here for 120+years. There is not another HISTORIC shopping district in this city. Please stop this woke mayors plans immediately!”

Dana, Business Owner

“The project would create a bottle neck for anyone coming in or going out. It could be a huge safety issue costing hundreds of lives, if their we a fire, flooding, or any emergency, because first responders can’t get in, people can’t get out. Huge occupancy of renters in the high rise complexes. Plus regular traffic and deliveries.”

James, Visitor

“This is a crazy idea and to what benefit? Penn should remain as-is. A single lane will clog it and take away the charm/businesses in the area. This mayor has come up with a lot of bad ideas but this the one of the worst, which says an awful lot.”

Paula, Visitor

“Pittsburgh would not be the same without the Strip District!”