Jean, Business Owner – 2627 Penn

“We own the above property and have for thirty years. To suggest Penn Ave should be one lane is not only ridiculous, it’s dangerous. Leave Penn Ave alone!”

Zee, Visitor

“The proposed road diets on both Penn and Liberty would massively increase congestion. If you plan to do traffic calming road diets, fine. But call it what it is: Congestion enhancement.”

Vincent, Visitor

“Lifelong Pittsburgher who wants to preserve our historic community”

Nicholas, Visitor

“As someone who used to work at Wholey’s, I’ve seen a just how congested Penn Avenue can be without all the additional traffic from Liberty Avenue and Smallman Street. If the city goes ahead with restricting Penn to one lane, you might as well just remove the road completely since you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere afterwards because of the standstill traffic you’ll have. Do not restrict Penn Avenue, and quit screwing around with the already terrible road layouts of Pittsburgh.”

Nancy, Visitor

“When I come visit my dad I look forward to going to the Strip District. It is a great place”

Joseph, Visitor

“I used to live in the strip, now i visit about 6 times a year. KEEP THE STRIP AS IS”

Trish, Visitor

“Businesses need consumers in their stores. This plan would drive money away from them during construction and even afterwards, as parking becomes more scarce and shops become less accessible to many unable to walk distances, or unwilling to carry many and possibly heavy purchases several blocks back to a parking area. This serves only the young bikers with less disposable income.”

Steven, Visitor

“With all of the bike lanes being installed in Pittsburgh, I hardly see any cyclists using them. Enough is enough.”

Jesse, Visitor

“This would hinder me plans to visit this summer and for all home games! I might just travel to the away games this year to avoid the chaos”

Ryan, Visitor

“The Strip is our local grocery store and weekend destination. We’ve already lost so many local stores replaced with chains (Chipotle, Starbucks, Poser Books, Shake Shack, and more). I mean how many more mini-golf bars does the strip need?

They forced out Lefty’s for no good reason. Don’t kill the strip. It’s one of the last remaining true Pittsburgh areas left in the city.”

Samuel, Resident

“Please do not tamper with the Strip. It needs continued support from the City to maintain and grow the businesses and shops that are here. Please.”

Lee, Visitor

“I used to visit The Strip daily. It is now seriously overdeveloped to the point of frustration. I limit my trips, If Penn Ave is reduced to one lane, I am sure that I will not be shopping there. I can’t even imagine the accidents that will happen. It will truly be an economic loss as I know many people who avoid the chaos already.”

John, Visitor

“This will drive people away if plan is implemented.”

Sandra, Resident

“It’s absolutely insane what the mayor is doing to this wonderful community. The current administration has ruined downtown and they will ruin the strip district. What makes this place so charming is the historical culture and the small family owned business that have been the backbone of this community. There has never been an accident in the 8 years I’ve lived here on Penn Ave. The plans to change to one line is an evil plan to drive out small business. Eventually, the strip will become like southside – yet another area that has been ruined. Fix downtown and make this area a place people want to live again.”

Annabelle, Employee

“This would be something that would be detrimental to the pittsburgh economy and infrastructure. Something I believe would cause more accidents and damage to the town. There is no reason this actually would help Pittsburgh and the Strip in any way. We have had this for so long no reason to change this and negatively effect the Strip District.”

Kristen, Employee

“Penn Ave cannot be cut down to one lane. It is a main artery road and is my main access to my employment. If Penn Ave is cut to one lane, I may have to find a different job. This will hurt more Yinzers than it would help. Please actually think about this instead of using numbers on a spreadsheet to make your decision.”

Kennedy, Employee

“Getting down there is already a hassle and parking is terrible. Don’t do this and make it worse, the strip is a fun area and it should be expanded not made smaller”

Sam, Employee

“As if getting around the city isn’t hard enough, let’s RESTRICT the lanes of traffic. This is a disaster waiting to happen and will have long lasting negative effects on the community and will only make it more frustrating to navigate the city and surrounding neighborhoods. I could not be more against this. What a joke. Quit trying to make quick money and focus on genuinely improving quality of life for residents. Not everything needs to be gentrified to be considered “improved.””

Deborah, Visitor

“I’m a city of Pittsburgh resident and I think the strip district needs to be preserved and enhanced in fact to keep and preserve this unique asset for residence and for visitors and tourists.”