Tom, Resident

“This is kind of ridiculous, and it's not gonna fix the problem. Putting in a bike lane when no one's biking in this commercial area? Not the best idea. I'd tell the city to reduce parking on Penn Ave instead, so traffic moves smoother. Maybe throw in some speed bumps to slow things down. Making it a single lane would be a disaster for residents and visitors. Nobody wants that. Check out other cities, what have they done to prevent accidents? I got to say, if they go through with this, I'll probably skip the Strip and go somewhere else. My time's too precious to be stuck in traffic.”

Allen, Visitor

“The strip is a terrific place. It’s not broken so don’t try to fix it.”

Cullie, Visitor

“Don’t further restrict access to the strip district. It’s already a tight squeeze down there!”

Elaine, Visitor

“One of the best parts of the city. Why take that away?!!!”

Donna, Visitor

“I love the atmosphere of the Strip. It is tough enough to get around and park. Cutting the lanes down would create a mess and would be very discouraging to go down there to shop”

Michael, Visitor

“Let’s not take anymore streets for bikes there are enough already”

Courtney, Visitor

“This makes me so upset, I love bike riding but why on Penn Ave! There are so many bike trails in Pittsburgh. You may say commuters, but Bikers share the lanes all over Pittsburgh. Restricting this area to one lane is both dangerous and extremely unnecessary! This will create MORE problems for our city.”

Al, Visitor

“The plans to narrow Penn Avenue to one lane (31st Street to 22nd Street) would discourage me from visiting the Strip District. The traffic delays would be prohibitive.Alternative safety measures could be used without choking off access to the business district.”

Justin, Visitor

“Taking the strip away from Pittsburgh will be ripping part of its heart and soul in the very fabric of what it is. Do not do this foolish act.”

Jason, Resident

“2 lanes is a must. 1 lane will destroy this community”

Brandon, Resident

“Restricting an already one way road to a single lane in one of the busiest historic districts in this city would be a disastrous decision. As a resident and someone who frequently delivers from businesses in this area, keeping the Strip as accessible as possible is the best way forward.”

Nathan, Visitor

“I lived in Pittsburgh for 35 years before moving away for work. When I finally moved back, I was APPALLED at what had been done to the strip. Not to mention the absolute debacle of a parking situation that’s been created, but the strip has lost so much of its charm. Countless friends refuse to visit the strip based on the lack of affordable parking. I agree with them. Some of the old charm still exists, but it’s definitely much less inviting. Moving forward with this change will only drive more people away, my friends and I included.”

Rebecca, Resident

“I am come down to The Strip District multiple times per week…I am a regular in many places, including DeLuca’s.

I can not imagine the street being restricted down to one lane. This will restrict deliveries to the local establishments.

I vote NO.

Daniel, Visitor

“We come down here several times a week…this will cause a major problem that I’m not going to want to deal with.”

Jacquelyn, Resident

“This business district is the number one destination in the city of Pittsburgh!”