Thomas, Resident
“Bikers barely follow the laws of the road as it is. They don't need more space to be even more dangerous.”
Amy, Visitor
“This is a traffic nightmare and there is plenty of sidewalk room for pedestrians. Leave this area authentic. The stylized version of the strip with “instragram ready” spots on Smallman is fine for tourists but not authentic. Keep Penn authentic!”
Donna, Visitor
“Smallman has a bike lane. If you're looking for a solution put in parking at each end with street trolleys as other cities do with their historic areas.
Please don't mess with something that has been such a unique attraction. I have been shopping at the strip for over 60 years. The only new problem I see with the influx of residential properties is parking.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it! You are just making a new problem.”
Sarah, Previous Resident & Visitor
“I was a resident for years and unfortunately had to move for my job. I visit 4 times a year at minimum and ALWAYS stock up in the Strip.”
Regina, Visitor
“Agree with all comments in the letter submitted by business owners. Adding bicycles to the mix of pedestrian, car and truck traffic has the potential for accidents in an already congested area.”
Sarah, Resident
“As a passionate biker myself, I do not agree with the plans to make a portion of Penn Ave into a single lane.
I personally bike on Smallman where there is far less traffic and much safer as well as on the riverfront trail.
I drive that portion of Penn Avenue on a regular basis for my job. The strip district businesses rely heavily on having a 2nd lane for truck deliveries. The midwife center also relies on it for emergency vehicles.
I strongly feel that the bike lane would do more harm on that portion of Penn Ave than good. It would be much better to put a bike lane on Smallman or extend the already existing riverfront trail.
Daniel, Resident
“I do believe actions do need to be taken to improve the safety but adjusting Penn to a single lane road at the proposed section is not practical. If a bike lane is a crucial component and want of this community then shifting focus on Smallman Street, Railroad Street, or the existing unconnected bike path along the river should be the logical step. Biking should be accessible but Penn Avenue is not the solution.”
Walter, Visitor
“For a century this Pittsburgh landmark has served and drawn commerce and visitors to our city, with memories, provenance, and earning acclaim as a hub of interest nationally and internationally. Cutting into the heart of the city is as sensible as a cardiac surgeon doing bypass surgery only to change (not improve) a working organ not in need in a major surgical intervention.”
Pam, Visitor
“How about speed bumps?”
Judy, Resident
“It is NOT broken, so don't fix it.”
James, Resident
“This is just a silly idea. The businesses still cater to patrons with vehicles parked at the curbs. Especially older patrons. People will park anyway and cause traffic nightmares.
You should rethink this plan.”
Jennifer, Visitor
“I currently live in Plum Boro, and frequent the strip at least twice a month to shop and visit the strip various restaurants. To put this proposal thru would be detrimental to the Strip District! less foot traffic=Less revenue for shops, vendors and of course the city. Not a good action to take!”
Christopher, Visitor
“The specialy stores in the strip depend on easy vehicle access and loading. Denying the region this valued resource for the sake of another underutilized bike lane is negligent beyond belief.”
Carrie, Visitor
“Penn Ave is so unique and historical. Penn Ave is already ruined in the Cultural District and I steer clear of the area. It is slow moving/ugly. I do not want this to happen to The Strip. Smallman street has turned into a constant traffic jam after the changes occurred.
I do a lot of volunteer work at St. Stan’s on 21st and the tourist tell me all the time how much they love the hustle bustle of neighborhood and means the uniqueness of Penn Ave and how it currently is! 2 lanes are essential for driving/parking/shopping/deliveries. I shop every week in the strip because it is “easy”. 1 lane and I am sure ugly changes will ruin the neighborhood/feel/history/business.
Brittany, Visitor
“My husband and I have lived in Pittsburgh for 7 years and love going to the Strip. It is our favorite place to take our family and friends who visit, too! I hope nothing will change!!”
Matthew, Visitor
“I am tired of these bike lanes-some are ok but there are way too many and I rarely ever see them being used by people on bikes. They take away from street parking where it is needed.”
Al, Resident
“Why would you reduce traffic lanes at the BUSIEST section of Penn Ave in the Strip? Make it make sense”
Greg, Visitor
“Leave it as is! The quirkiness makes the Strip great!”
Diane, Visitor
“I live in Churchill. Literally everyone I know shops in the Strip District. For me it’s been 40 years! I understand very well the traffic-calming approach. It has worked well on Beechwood Blvd and in other locations. However, this proposal will do much more harm than good.. The merchants are correct. It will stifle business. The proposed alterations to the flow of traffic through the Strip District should be rejected.”
Megan, Resident
“My husband and I are at The Strip at least 4 times a month, sometimes more. Traffic is already terrible down there. This will make things exponentially worse. Do. Not. Do. This.”