Bonn, Developer, Business Owner & Resident
“Moving Penn Avenue to one lane will disrupt the deliveries to our wonderful Strip District merchants. We only have four streets to start with – Liberty Avenue, Penn Avenue, Smallman street and Railroad Street. We can’t afford to lose any of our merchants on Penn Avenue because of lane restrictions or visitors due to a lack of parking. That is also in short supply with our growing neighborhood. Maybe bikers and pedestrians could consider using the Alley Ways. I think they could be upgraded with plantings and even be an option for restaurant outdoor spaces. Just a thought. Glad to discuss these issues further.”
Deven, Employee, Visitor
“Negative impact on businesses, including a lot of small businesses, which may not be able to survive with this. Does not make sense as when I am in the Strip there are not many bikers, especially so much that they should get their own lane. Though there are many trucks and emergency vehicles that have to stop in one of the lanes, and making it a single lane will just not work. I think the person who came up with this idea is a lunatic, and should actually look into things before they change such a historic part of our city.”