Christopher, Visitor
“There is nothing wrong with the traffic pattern in the strip district. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Gwen, Resident & Visitor
“The city has its development one block over at the Terminal Building. Why not let Penn Ave be something different. Bike lanes can be down Smallman as well. The proposed "improvements" will choke the life out of something that it so brilliantly unique to our City. Nobody else has "The Strip". It's part grocery store – part preservation of our ethnic heritage – part craziness (on purpose) – part celebration of small business grit and success.
Not everything has to be "improved" to make it attractive. Listen to the merchants – they are the ones who have made The Strip – well – The Strip. All their years of dedication to this area would be destroyed.”
Patricia, Visitor
“I'm opposed. Mayor Gainey needs to do something to help the city and not take on these random useless and harmful projects.”
Charles, Visitor
“I’m not just an occasional visitor, I live on the north side, and the strip district acts as my local business district and grocery District. I utilize banks there, grocery stores, gift stores, liquor stores, a local barber, as well as the more common entertainment for myself or visiting friends- bars, putt putt, etc.
Limiting Penn Avenue to one lane will have dire effects on the visitation to the strip district. Having been close to this neighborhood for over 15 years, I can tell you that the area is just now starting to reach its potential, with a successful rehabilitation of the terminal building. Cutting off Penn Avenue to one lane would destroy all the progress that’s been made in boosting this historic and one of a kind, Pittsburgh landmark.”
Linda, Visitor
“Enough with the bike lanes! It is difficult enough to maneuver the city because of bike lanes. It has gotten to the point that I hate coming into the city. The strip brings customers into the city for shop and the businesses need customers to survive. Remember that truck delivery and loading all need easy access.”
Paul, Business & Visitor
“We sell products in Hieber’s Pharmacy and do events and pop ups in the Strip as well.”
Paul, Resident & Visitor
“The strip district is a big part of what makes Pittsburgh so special. We need to do all we can to protect this important part of our history. There has already been too much gentrification. We are so lucky to have this valuable historic asset, protect it don’t change it!!!!”
Annie, Visitor
“Don’t piss me off!!!! Don’t do stupid shit!!!!”
Domenic, Visitor
“It is already difficult with 2 lanes and with the reduction to 1 lane, the traffic will be a nightmare. It would be a deterrent for me coming to the strip district.”
Paula, Resident & Visitor
“Put speed bumps in if people are speeding. I think we should worry about downtown. Downtown is a mess. It’s so unsafe. How about the busses and cars blocking the cross walks? Crossers have to walk around busses and cars. It’s the Elephant in the room.”
Maria, Visitor
“Please do not inconvenience the historic businesses on Penn Ave. The Strip District is a beautiful, vibrant part of our city because of the businesses that have served our community for decades.
The construction alone will cause many issues for these institutions and for their dedicated patrons.”
James, Visitor
“I work in east liberty and routinely eat, shop, and visit the strip district. Not only will this plan make things unimaginably more difficult to navigate than they already are, but it doesn't pass even the most basic common sense tests of "should we even do this?"
Genuinely I don't understand how an idea this bad ever gains any traction at all. Mayor, if you want any semblance of support from me in the voting booth, DO NOT SUPPORT THIS NONSENSE!”
Amanda, Visitor
“I make deliveries to the area, which is already dangerous for loading and unloading. This would only exacerbate the problem.”
Amy, Employee
“Leave the Strip alone. It's the one thing that is still REAL. If you make only 1 lane, what are the buses going to do. Does the traffic have to face longer lines as the buses load and unload passengers?? And I agree, there are business that DON'T have docks in the back of their businesses, but use Penn Ave for their deliveries. This is a massive SNAFU!!”
Prin, Employee & Visitor
“I work with a local delivery company that picks up orders in the strip that would be devastated by a bottlenecking in traffic. Im also a Lawrenceville local and walk and drive down to the strip very often which would absolutely change if the traffic were to get worse as it would become less and less walkable AND drivable. Some of my absolute favorite businesses are in the strip and my ability to support these businesses depends on my ability to reach them.”
Lacy, Employee & Visitor
“I agree there should be safer passage for bikes, but what about better pedestrian right-of-ways on Smallman with safer crosswalks or even sidewalks, a bike lane on Railroad Street, or making bikers take the trail that is only blocks away? I don't think limiting Penn to one lane will help with the flow of traffic. I think there are much more important issues we need to address before we mess with Penn Ave.”
Raymond, Business Owner
“Don't fix what isn't broken.
And never forget where you come from. We own the first historically restored building in The Strip, the No. 7 Engine Company, home of Bar Marco, a first class restaurant and good neighbor.
What you're planning to do will destroy the character of the Strip and drive people away who drive there to shop. Why would you wait a half hour to park when you could just go to a supermarket?
Because The Strip has personality and history that is unmatched in America. That's right, unmatched, where you can browse a dozen different ethnic markets in an 8 or 9 block stretch.
Please preserve our personality and our businesses.
Your plan for change is a huge step backwards.”
Karen, Visitor
“Bicyclists do not stop at the stores to purchase anything.. There are plenty of other roads in the city that they've already caused congestion with these hazardous bicycle lines.. They are annoying and dangerous in a high traffic areas. The traffic on Penn Ave is bad enough let alone taking away for a bicycle lane. Please do not ruin this historical area.”
Thomas, Resident
“Bikers barely follow the laws of the road as it is. They don't need more space to be even more dangerous.”
Amy, Visitor
“This is a traffic nightmare and there is plenty of sidewalk room for pedestrians. Leave this area authentic. The stylized version of the strip with “instragram ready” spots on Smallman is fine for tourists but not authentic. Keep Penn authentic!”