
“Changes are sometimes destructive and the strip is a part of disappearing landscape taken over by developers. The factories warehouses and streets are a defining part of Pittsburgh. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!”


“I work in east liberty and routinely eat, shop, and visit the strip district. Not only will this plan make things unimaginably more difficult to navigate than they already are, but it doesn’t pass even the most basic common sense tests of “should we...


“One of the things that I and all of my visitors from other parts of the nation love about Pittsburgh is that we have unique local businesses in our shopping areas, whether Strip District, or along Penn and Liberty. In so many areas of the US and Canada, local...


“It’s absolutely insane what the mayor is doing to this wonderful community. The current administration has ruined downtown and they will ruin the strip district. What makes this place so charming is the historical culture and the small family owned business...

NicholasBusiness Owner

“It will make it much more difficult for customers & employees to get to & from our location. Loading & unloading will be more expensive. With only one travel lane when any vehicle stops or double parks traffic comes to a halt. That includes...